Dated but still A rated DACs

Looking to purchase a great sounding used DAC , unless I can obtain equal quality on a new one. Your thoughts?
Lite DAC-83, if you can find one used. I remember reading a while back this model being the best for CD playback. I think they also had a transport to pair with this DAC.
Hi, I would suggest the following, I have owned or own most of these:

Museatex Bidat (currently own) simply outstanding even to this day, especially if you have John Wright install the "Plus" mod.

AMR DP 777 SE (currently own) probably the best all around dac I have heard and as a poster above mentioned it is competitive and in many cases better than analog rigs up to around the $7k range. 

Metrum Hex/Octave (owned the Hex, the AMR displaced it)

Wada 9 (stunning audibly and aesthetically) extended loan some years ago as I considered its purchase

Newer unit to consider: Denafrips Terminator
As far as dac chips go, the BB PCM-63K, and the PCM 1704 were tops but the king in my opinion is non other than the Philips TDA 1541 S2 Double Crown. the 1541 has a sound that is hard to describe. I have two custom AMR CD 77.1's one of which has already been retrofitted with a genuine 1541 S2 Double Crown and the other is awaiting transplant of my other 1541 S2 Double Crown chip. 

I should have mentioned probably one of the best bargains for a dac, the Monarchy NM24. People don't go after it because the name doesn't impress their friends but that thing runs PCM-63's and I have owned it before. It is above the fray and I think you can still get them new from Monarchy before his stock runs out. 
Just picked up a used CALYX w. Linear power supply for use with Headphone setup (Mac .. CALYX .. Icon(headlamp) .. LCD 3)
Amazing performer.  
The CALYX replaced a Jeff Rowland Aeris
However I think you may have a problem locating one