DC motors and outboard power supplies...

For those of you with analog rigs that utilize a DC motor and outboard power supply....I'm wondering:

1. How often do you check to see if the platter is at correct speed?

2. How often do you have to fine tune the speed adjustment?

3. Once fine tuned, does it stay throughout the listening session, or do you need to make adjustments throughout?

4. Would you be willing to comment on which table you are using?

Thank you for your comments.
Along the lines of what Palasr suggests, can you swap another DC source for the battery? I am able to do this with my controller by using a 12-vdc wall wart. The wall wart isn't as quiet but it is great for emergencies and troubleshooting. It does sound like the controller is fine, but the supply is questionable. What battery are you using? How often do you charge it?
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