I love my DCC2 - it is amazing...but it is a different animal then the Bat VK-51SE (which I have also owned). The DCC2 is about beauty, low level detail out the wazoo, and resolution but is does not gie you that monsterous sound stage or bloom that the BAT does. I greatly prefer the DCC2, especially at lower listening levels, but I could see how one would love the BAT....especially when things get big and loud (Like orchestra music). The DCC2 also has better bass contorl, but the BAT has alot of slam!!! I should note taht I am compaing the BAT + an Esoteriec DV-50 to the DCC2 so it may not be a completly fair comparison. I hope that helped. To answer your question..I love my DCC@ though and would not trade it for anything I have yet heard!!