dcc2 owners: has anyone regretted the purchase?

I am close to deciding to getting a Emmlabs dcc2 and was wondering whether anyone has regretted buying the dcc2?

If so, please explain.

If not, could you tell me what combination the dcc2 replaced?

I have a BATVK51SE preamp I would be replacing.

Thanks for the assistance
I have the DCC2 going to an Atma-Sphere MP-1 preamp - that way get the best of both worlds.
I formerly used an Accuphase DP75V cdp, which now serves as a transport into my DCC2 (using the preamp output of the DCC2). The DCC2 makes every note sound more relaxing and "true". It is one of those Goldilocks audio products that is just right in every listening aspect I could think of. In particular, piano notes can be assaultive in digital, with too much attack that makes you wince or an electric sound (jitter maybe?). The DCC2 finally gets them right--not subdued or veiled, but no strange artifacts. I can now play piano music without fear, even with my revealing Kharma-Focal metal tweeters & solid state amp. Yep, I would never return to any previous CDP I've had (Accuphase, Meridian, Sony).
I listen to a lot of classical, folk, rock, techno, jazz, blues- I am all over the place. I did dig out some radiohead(which I haven't listened to in some time) and I NEVER remember it sounding so lush and involving. The soundscape like sound that was created was almost surreal, this was very apparant on "Kid A". There was a sense of layering and detail which I don't recall hearing on any rock redbook CD before. I also listened to Ok Computer and Pablo Honey and they were both VERY enjoyable and brought back a lot of memories. I have never heard any of those discs sound the way they did- last night- before.

I find my system really show's its strengths on natural acoustic type music. While it reproduces electronic sounds and drums and such well, it doesn't have the same feeling as it does with "real" music(if that makes sense). Folk, chamber music, orchestral, vocal and acoustic rock seem to really shine through- fortunately for me that's what I listen to 95% of the time and its what I have "voiced" my system to do well. With the emm labs gear your only limited by your associated equipment, anything you want to recreate well you'll be able to.