Decent Power Conditioner in the $ 300-$400s?


I am looking for a decent power conditioner in the $300-$400 price range, used. It is for my second system that already has a dedicated line, but only two sockets. The system:

Eastern Electric Minimax Tube CD player
Wavac 811 amplifier
Kcs custom made monitors
Hsu VTF1 pair of subs.

I don't have any idea of units in this price range. I use an Exactpower in my main system, but I don't need such level of performance in my second system. Many thanks for your help. Pablo.
Ag insider logo xs@2xpablovila
Audio nut pieces is a fairly accurate, if not particularly charitable , description of most of us on here.
What about Richard Gray's older RGPC 400 or 400s models? Most can be found here for $350 to $400.
Hi Everybody:

Thank you very much for your answers. I am building my shord list with those alternatives. However, I have a question? Why the PS Audio Powerplant was not mentioned by anybody? The P300 can be found for the money I am willing to spend. Is there any reason for the PS Audio P300 not being mentioned? Many thanks, Pablo.