Definitive Technology Mythos STS floorstanders

I purchased a new pair of STS's to be used in a 2-channel set up only. Professional reviews are very favorable. Personal reviews are not as favorable stating they are voiced more for HT than music. They replace a pair of Paradigm Studio 20, v.3 monitors.

I've been breaking them in, from new, for 5 days. I'm running them about 8 hrs. a day. Def. Tech. says they will break-in around 50 hrs. or more. So far I like them BUT am unable to position them 3 feet or more away from the back wall as the manual set up suggests. They are in a medium sized bedroom system. This is the only room I can use. It's possible I won't be able to experience their full potential.

Bedroom system:
Arcam CD37 CD player
Harmonic Tech. Magic Link II RCA IC's
Bryston B-60 SST or Arcam A38 integrated amp
Cardas Neutral Reference speaker cable

This system has never had another pair of tower speakers connected to it so I haven't been able to compare the STS's to anything else.

So, has anyone compared the STS's to another pair (Approx. $3000.00/pair) of towers for 2-channel purposes only and found them to be more suited for music than HT?

Thank you to all responders.
I've had the ST's and STS's in systems as well as several Paradigm speakers and feel exactly the opposite, I like Paradigm for HT and the Def Techs for music more!

I wouldn't worry too much about placing them closer to the wall than 3', since they have integral subwoofers, you can trim the bass to compensate for sub par placement. Fiddle around with it and I think you'll see what I mean.
I have not heard the STS speakers, but I have heard many other Def Tech speakers. They have a big following of loyal owners, so please don't take offense, but to me, they sound excessively bright in the upper-mids/lower-treble range. YMMV, of course, and it is possible that my auditions were with electronics far inferior to yours, which could have been the problem. FWIW, my own speakers are in that price range. The Ohm Walsh 2000 is a completely different approach to speaker design than your Def Techs, so they may not be for you. However, Ohm offers a 120-day home trial period, so you can compare and decide for yourself. If you don't like them, you're out the shipping only. The Ohms's like lots of SS power, so I would expect your Bryston to be a good match. The Ohms do need at least a little room to breath, though, at least 18" from adjacent walls, IME.

I have compared lesser-model Def Techs to Vienna Acoustics speakers, and I much preferred the VA over the Def Techs. Smoother treble, better defined mids and better soundstage presentation, IMHO.

Just my $0.02.
Yes these were designed as a cute speaker first
and to function perform later.
(((Professional reviews are very favorable. Personal reviews are not as favorable stating they are voiced more for HT than music.))
There should be a new speaker review catagory within its own called
Non high end Designer friendly series HT OKed but still handicapped.
This would be your cue to be taken with a grain of salt.
Can Professional reviewer and or Mags resist the avertising revenue that prevails to make such a category its what drives them?
A classic performing speaker like a Vandersteen 2CE sig or 3A Sig is a Form following function designed product that stands the test of time
I strongly suggest you draw you own conclusion with a listen.
I really don’t understand many people’s dismissal of DefTech speakers as merely “home theater” speakers. In my second system, which is a combination music/HT system, my STSs function perfectly. I directly compared them to Vandersteen 3As and Von Schweikert VR-4 HSEs, and they made the Vandies and Vons sound veiled by comparison. Sure, the Vandies had a smoother treble and warmer midrange, but the STSs were very musical as well and a lot more dynamic. The Vons gave them competition in the low end, but didn’t quite match them in the highs. The STSs aren’t gonna win any warmth contests, but they’re certainly very engaging paired with the right gear. Just depends what you’re looking for. If you want an awesome HT speaker that also does music extremely well, then the STS is a great choice. My budget would’ve allowed me to spend twice what I spent on the Defs, and I still went for them. Make of that what you will.

FYI, you can place them fairly close to back walls, as the sub output can be adjusted. You probably won't get much depth that way, but it'll work. Mine are 3' from the back wall, and I like it that way.