I just sold an Aeres II last week. I bought is as an experiment because of all the talk with the fairly inexpensive R2R dacs and how they sound more "tubey" than many chip dacs. My current Dac is a Hegel HD30 which was almost 5x the cost of the Aeres and I'll be very honest in that the Aeres sounded almost as good but I didn't hear much change as to the sound from my Hegel so I decided to sell it and stay with the HD30.
I would say if I didn't already own the Hegel, The Ares II would have certainly been a temporary keeper. I thought it sounded great and for less than $800 how can you go wrong. I purchased it used and sold it in a few days for about a $50 loss which I think was well worth the exercise to learn if the R2R was something I should further investigate. In the end I've decided to go the other direction and start auditioning tube dacs. Nothing wrong with the Hegel just always looking to improve my system.