Denon DL-103R cartridge update

Hi everyone. I have been using the 103R on my system for the past year and would like an upgrade. It's a great cartridge, but I'm ready for more detail and dynamics. My system:Pro-ject RM6-SB, Musical Surroundings Phonomena II, Cayin integrated amp, Usher (pre Berylium) tower speakers & Morrow /XLO cables.
I listen mostly to jazz, quartet (where possible), Blue Note, Monk, Coltrane, Hancock, Rollins, Crusaders (pre 1968), Cachao, etc., standard fare but extensive.
Thanks and your suggestions are appreciated.
I recently nuded a new 103 and just had a look at the little graph report. It states 3.9 for both chanels. Nice. My other 103s doe have a small imbalance but I can't tell when listening .. And I try. ;.)
anyone have a spare 103 stylus guard? I accidentally stepped on mine and I want to try a wood body. Kind of afraid to do it without the guard.

Do not use the guard when removing the body. It will only get in your way. Easy does it, slow and steady, and you will be ok.
05-10-11: Gadfly
Do not use the guard when removing the body. It will only get in your way. Easy does it, slow and steady, and you will be ok.

I've nuded a few 103R's and have always kept the stylus guard in place while cutting the glue points. This way you can place the cartridge cantilever down on a bench while you cut the glue points in the seams. Some firm pressure is required when cutting and it would be near impossible to damage the cantilever with the guard in place. I strongly recommend using the stylus guard while cutting.

Once the 3 glue points have been cut - and you can move the plastic shell freely - then remove the guard so you can observe the cantilever position while you carefully pull away the plastic shell.

Emorrisv, I live in Australia but if no-one more local to you can supply a stylus guard, drop me a message and I'll post one to you.