Describe ube sound vs solid state

What are the charesterics in comparing each of these?
Looks like you obviously did not get Czarivey's joke - that you really had to specify which is which?

Unsound, while you are technically correct I'll bet you can't identify the colorations / response deviations while listening to music.
Unsound wrote,

"Dollar for dollar through most typical loud speakers; high quality tube amplifying devices will more likely distort frequency response more than high quality solid state amplifying devices will."

The problem is distortion is overrated as a measurement of sound quality. So is frequency response. Gotcha covered. Lol. Besides, we found out back in the 70s and 80s that tube amps with 0.05% THD just plain sounded better than solid state amps with 0.0005% THD.
The problem here is that often the ear will give weight to distortion perceived as tonality over actual frequency response.

A classic example is the brightness of transistor amps. On the bench they might test with the same bandwidth as a tube amp but will sound brighter. Its due to trace amounts of higher ordered harmonic distortion, which the ear translates into tonality: brightness.

IOW it may be flat but it may not sound like it. Not that you can get flat frequency response out of a speaker anyway- just look at their response and you will see that getting flat frequency response is a fool's errand.