Part of this process was deciding how to consolidate my analog stuff. I was looking at a way of improving upon my second table, and maybe just maybe buying a great table and running just one arm on it, perhaps one that would have displaced the SOTA. As I looked at my options, I really did not see something I could afford off the pre-owned market that would substantially raise the bar from where I am. I also had to ask myself if the rest of the system in this room would benefit from this change. Well the Scheu motor one day did not turn on when I flipped the switch, tossed it again and up we go. Break out the contact cleaner and give it a mist, and thought we were OK. Two weeks later it happened again, so I pulled my ad and figured it needs a deep cleaning or a new switch. It is probably a $20 switch, so no big deal in the giant scheme of things.
So I took the money and ordered the Agile tonearm and thought I was good. But in my heart of heart, I came to grips with the idea that I still want to listen to my Ortofon MC2000. I had a conversation previously with Jeff Spalls and he said its possible to build an arm in the single digits of mass from previous Audiomods parts combined with certain aspects from the Model 6. So i sent an email to him saying could we do this? I am scheduled in early August to have an arm built.
So in the end I parted with 2 arms, a phono stage, an MC3000 II, MC5000, MC200, a set of Focal Stellia headphones, Channel Island headphone amp stack, and a Tara Labs power conditioner.
I am looking forward to hearing the SOTA Cosmos Eclipse and Origin Live combo, and believe this will be a very nice sounding table.