Devore Super 8 speakers with WHAT cable?

Super8 's on their way and looking for the best combination of speaker cable? Can a great cable be had for Approx $250US? Would be paired with a Red Wine Audio Sig 30.2 Thankks, e
I use Blue Circle BC92 with mine.

In all honesty I sell BC gear, but I was a BC fan and owner long before I was affiliated with them.
Oh come on people.
The guy's budget is $250.
The Auditorium 23 are $880 for an 8 foot pair.
thanks guys. but the $900 Auditorium 23 cables are outside that $250-$300 budget. Would love to hear them though.

BlueCircles BC91's are close at $325.00 MSRP
but BC92's are $525. only prices I could find. maybe used are avail on AG.

thanks, ed
No Ed, I don't run them with Devore's. They are just superb cables for the range you gave. I think Gregg at Reality offers a demo as well, so no harm no foul if you don't like them, do a search, many many happy customers.