Diana Krall Survey

A friend of mine is working the new Diana Krall release (first download track and cover art available tomorrow) for Verve Records. I mentioned that Audiogon has some devoted DK fans and he said he'd love to get any feedback that anyone might provide. So any comments (music, artwork, etc.) are appreciated.


I really liked her stuff up until a few years ago where all of her muzak seems to have that same "Radio Friendly" blandness to it. The Quiet Nights album was horrible with overly close mic'd vocals and boring performances of overplayed light jazz war horses. Still have a lot of respect for her accomplishments, just wish she could get back on track with some real trio sessions that require more "stretch" from her talents and less recycled material we've all heard too many times before.
Here's the first song available from her new album:

I don't know. On first listen on a pair of old cheap computer speakers it sounds like Bluzak to me. I'd much rather hear her work in a Kenny Burrell bluesy jazz style if she wants to try the blues.