Did anyone experience Audio Prism's Ground Control

Fellow Audiogoner's

I wonder if anyone has any input on Ground Control spade versions? I am curious about the impact of these pigtails on your system's overall sound?

I also have their quiteline filter (4pack) installed in my HT room and they have helped lower the overall noise floor.

My gear -
Krell Showcase Pre-Amp / Processor
B&W 803s and 804s (rear)
Marantz UD8004
Audience aR12
Audience Au24e speaker/interconnects.
PAD Power Cables
I am sure you can use an RCA Y adapter to apply a GC RCA unit. Make it the shortest adapter you can find, one with the least metal and dielectric possible.

For that matter you could also use a Y adapter for the headphones, with a tip and ring male plug attached to a female RCA and plugged into one of the Y's. I have no idea how this would sound, but no harm can come from trying it out. You may need two RCA GC's to make this work, unless the particular headphone has a common ground / return wire, rather than separate ones for each channel.

A tip and ring plug comes in a variety of sizes, 1/4" mono, stereo and balanced stereo, with similar types available for mini-plugs. These are just the official name for the plugs usually found on the end of your headphone cables.
Thanks Bud. I will have to look into this when I decide on which headphones to buy.

Thanks for the info Tony. I will have a pair of subs coming on line in a few weeks and I will try your tip about the reference GC's on the woofers, with standards up top, which is what I currently have, with two reference's on the amp.

Hi all,
After following this thread for a while and reading the various reviews of the GCs online, I finally decided to try a couple of pair on my biwired modified Apogee Duetta Signatures (for those not familiar w/these, they are full range ribbon panels from the late 80s). And the results are in keeping those already reported by Ozzy and others---soundstage more defined, deeper, and wider; each performer better defined in his/her own space; a cleaner, clearer sound that has more impact, texture, and a more solid foundation.

These things are definitely keepers.

Well done, Bud. A great device.

Thank you for your kind words. I am pleased to hear from a large ribbon aficionado. Seems that all that is left is a large horn system. Maybe I can talk Romy into insulting me?

I will of course invite you to look into a pair for your amplifier/s At that point, the RCA's begin to make a noticeable difference, especially when applied to a commercial CD player without an out board DAC (assuming aanyone but me has such a device any more). I have also found them to indespensible for solid state electronics of all kinds and could not be parted with my Nikko Beta 1, so long as it has the RCA GC's attached.

Thanks to everyone for trying them.