Somebody that has a limited budget on these threads always thinks that he has magical insights into being an audiophile that others don’t have, which is far from the truth. I know many people (in audio clubs and in virtual settings) that have money to spend on cars and audio equipment (including me) that know it takes smarts and money to get the infrastructure right 1st, which is the room (which can cost many thousands of dollars) including treatments and electrical before you spend a nickel on any gear.
Then these people know how to apply synergy between equipment which isn’t a magical feat. If I like a certain speaker, then I would buy the right amp to power that speaker. If I prefer digital, then you design your system accordingly, same for vinyl. I don’t know any tinkerers, if you spend $50k on a set of speakers because you like their sq, I’m not going to tinker with them. Same goes for my Porsche, if I want more performance, I’ll take it to a mechanic.
Now I do think it’s foolish to buy a set of expensive speakers and put them in a room crammed next to a sofa, can’t bring them out from the wall, or put in a non-treated room, then you will never get the performance of the system and just wasting your money.