Digital coax from CD player to DAC, RCA or BNC-RCA?

I've been using my Marantz SA8005 as a DAC feeding a RLD-1 to a recently modified DNA-1. I will be swapping in a Stellar Gain Cell DAC and will try it as a preamp as well. If the synergy isn't there, I have other plans for the SGCD.

That being said, I would like to find a good digital coax and hear that a BNC cable with RCA adapters is a possible option over a cable terminated with RCA.

I've researched some of the topics on graphene but not sure where to start.

Would like to keep this purchase under $400, and I hear 1.5M is where I should be in terms of length at the shortest.

Open to all input and criticism, also feel free to PM me.
Thanks for all the input.

@dabel I did purchase a Nordost Silver Shadow BNC digital coax with the RCA adapters from a member here, NIB. Thank you for pointing me in that direction.

I will gladly report my findings once everything is up and running.
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I did a bunch of testing and made several attempts to test different RCA plugs in a digital cable.  In all instances, the sound was always the best using BNC connectors on the end of the cable and then attaching a BNC-to-RCA adapter.  I tried DH Labs RCA-750, WBT Nexgen and even  Furutech CF-102 (Furutech was the worst).  Using just RCA connectors on the cable resulted in high frequency loss in the audio when compared to BNC cables with BNC-to-RCA adapters.

The highest resolution BNC-to-RCA adapter is the Black Cat adapter, but the RCA plug doesn't have a lot of grip so heavy cables will tend to cause the RCA plug to lean down.  Otherwise, get the cheap gold-plated BNC-to-RCA adapters from monoprice and different distributors.

The Canare BNC-to-RCA adapters are not good and cause the sound to be messy in the high frequencies.