Digital crossovers?

I recently read a little about digital crossovers on the Newform website. Are they readily available? Are they reasonably priced? Can they be used to replace the X-overs in a processor or a subwoofer. Are they better than what is currently in most speakers? Did I forget anything?
The Behringer and others are external crossovers that go between your preamp and your power amp. Their website is, oddly enough,

However, it is not as easy as simply ripping out your current crossovers. You need to know what crossover points, slopes, delays etc to program into the digital crossover. Unless you can get them from the manufacturer, you will have to measure them yourself, which is not a trivial matter.

The Newform case is different because they program in the information for you.

I use a digital crossover and it is great, but you have know what you are doing.


Steved, thanks for your response. I did find their website, doing a web search, and I saw pictures, of the crossovers. I was surprised to see that they were outboard devices. I have already been talking to a speaker builder about making a pair of speakers for me, and rebuilding the ones that I currently use. Hopefully, he will know about what you mentioned. Just curious, where did you get yours? Haven't seen them on A-gon. Also, did you ever hear about the Acoustic Reality crossover?
I actually use the dbx Driverack 260, which is a similar unit. These are all pro audio items and can be bought from pretty much any pro shop. has pretty good prices, and they are often on eBay.
