6,436 posts
06-08-2016 12:49pm
Some PC w/o shrink sleeves on plugs/IEC and thin threads like NordOst Valhalla can be tested, simply swap the ends. I may try that on my remaining Valhallas.
Although if that is done and a difference is heard, it by no means proves that directionality of the wires is responsible. For example, the act of simply removing and reattaching the connectors would seem to me to have a greater chance of being responsible. Assuming, of course, that care has been taken to eliminate other possible extraneous variables, such as differences in warmup state (many here have asserted that days of warmup may be required for some solid state equipment to achieve optimum performance), or the re-initialization that occurs in some designs (especially those which include digital circuitry) when power is removed and re-applied, or even (as some members here have asserted in other threads) the act of physically manipulating the cord, allegedly necessitating significant time for it to "settle.""
Of course, all of those "extraneous variables" you refer to can be controlled by the careful and thorough experimenter. There’s no reason to jump to conclusions. Looking on the bright side at least there’s no fuse holder to get in the way. Not sure I completely understand all the angst and concern over wire directionality since it rather easy to demonstrate it using stock fuses or unshielded interconnects. I can completely understand why uber skeptics would not wish to carry out these experiments themselves and report results.
geoff kait
machina dynamica