I am sure you have a computer, buy a large external hard drive and download iTunes from Apple.com (free).
use a search engine to learn how to path your iTunes library to the hard drive (v easy actually, so don't sweat it), set your iTunes to rip all CD's to AppleLossless files.
Then, just start loading your CD's one at a time. iTunes will prompt you on all of it. Soon you will have all of your music in bascially the same format as your CD's. If you buy a good DAC to decode the files, it will sound every bit as good, or better, than any CD player.
use a search engine to learn how to path your iTunes library to the hard drive (v easy actually, so don't sweat it), set your iTunes to rip all CD's to AppleLossless files.
Then, just start loading your CD's one at a time. iTunes will prompt you on all of it. Soon you will have all of your music in bascially the same format as your CD's. If you buy a good DAC to decode the files, it will sound every bit as good, or better, than any CD player.