DIY speakers vertical array a la "pipedreams" syst

Have any of you worked on a multi drivers vertical array type of speakers ...something that would look like a diminutive version of the systems ?

What were the results?

i have a suddent interest in knowing why so many people
prefer this kind of setup to systems of equivalent quality drivers/enclosures with less in number ...

Anyone has a good ressource for buying excellent drivers
( only the drviers ) and or reviews of such ?

i will need a 15-18" driver for my sub neway , even
if i still go with ESLs ..

But the vertical array systems attract me for a single reason, build is easy and it should cost equivalent to electrostatics ( since no need for $$$$ step up transformer
but multi drivers need to be purchased ..

I would be considering a desing of a few feet tall with a
front face of 12" to 18" maybe with an opened rear for dipole action since they can't reach the front in their resonnat frequency ...mmmm

could be something in the 3 feet tall in total
wonder how many driver i could place on that :p

what do you guys think?

then also, about the need to drive all the drivers,
will it ask for a really powerfull amplification ?
or since all the drivers are working less powerfull to
attain the equivalent sound pressure, they thus require less power ?

what do you think of nerafield acoustic theory that
having more drivers permits the drivers to be worked at lower power and drivers are more accurate at lower power?

thanks for your time,

anything will help :)
Thanks Fred for all the info and advice! I've been scouring the diy forums and pages like yours trying to absorb as much as I can, kind of daunting sometimes. My goal is to be able to use a pair of Bottlehead amps or similar SET to drive whatever I build. I'm wondering if I shouldn't just try a full range driver on an open baffle with bass handled by a sub, like the Bastanis, to get my feet wet before trying to tackle a line array. Any thoughts? Nice work by the way on your page and all your speakers.
The full range driver is a viable option, but I'm skeptical about getting one to sound good with an open baffle. Fostex drivers and the like have so little X-max (0.6mm for the FE-167) that they can easily be driven to excess distortion levels without the control of a good enclosure. Even with a bass reflex enclosure you're going to hear distortion at fairly modest volume levels.

If you decide to use a Fostex here's a link to Bob Brines' web page. I heard his FT-1600 speakers at the Great Plains Audio Fest and was very impressed - they seemed to solve the bass problems I have heard with Fostex and Lowther drivers. He will sell just the plans, a flat pack kit, unfinished mdf enclosures or completed veneered speakers. The enclosures are not complicated and should be easy to build from the $25 plans

Another option I highly recommend is Wayne Parham's two way Pi speakers. I just completed a pair of 3 Pi Theater models which I really like, and at 98dB efficiency they sound really good with Paramours. If their $240 ea price is over your budget consider the 95dB sensitivity Two Pi towers at $80 each for the driver and crossover kit. I heard this one too at GPAF and it's amazingly good for the price. All these speakers have bass response that would shame any single driver speaker.
Fred, once again thanks for the advice, lots to take in but it all looks to be great "fun". Maybe the voight pipes from your site would be a good primer, but if I can find a suitable driver for open baffle that I can afford I will give it a try. Eminence coaxials with associated tweeter seem to fit the bill. From what I gather, the Bastanis simply has a resistor on the tweeter and that's it for a crossover. I could add a pair of active subs later.