DK Design Group vs. Boulder

Has anyone here compared DK amps with Boulder amps? I am currently using the Wilson Watt Puppy 7s with the DK VS-1 Signature with great results but I have been thinking of switching to the Boulder 1050 monoblocks and the 1010 Preamp. Will this be a meaningful upgrade worth the extra costs? Or should I leave well enough alone?
All good stuff though its apparent spring-training batting practice pitches are swirling to their desired locations.Or when is a question not a question but.....let the games begin,its been quiet for too long I guess.Sorry for hijacking this curve my man.Adieu,Bob
with USblues on this one. If the DK is the best to your ears buy it. Don't look for much support however, especially with statements like, "The thing is, I have already heard equipment several times the price then the DK and have yet to hear something better."

Either another shill posting, or "operator error" in setup of a fine system. FYI any great or expensive (or both) component can be made to sound poor. The overall system sound is only as good as its weakest link. IE - Hook up that Boulder equipment with "tooth floss" wiring from Best Buy. That DK may sound like heaven.
Believe me, I am not hooking up high end equipment with wiring from Best Buy. Such a presumption is just silly. And accusing me of being a "shill" is ridiculous. I am looking to upgrade and want some meaningful comments and information from fellow audiophiles. I think anyone who has heard the DK integrated can appreciate where I am comming from.

Does an amplifier really have to cost as much as a new BMW or a Lexus to be trully great? And is it then impossible for one that does not, to also be great? Think about this for a second, the DK Signature is a $5000 integrated. Thats already extremely expensive. So why is my comment that it is better then more expensive gear elicit shill comments?

So please do not post here unless your comments are relevant. I want to hear from people who have actually compared the DK with Boulder.
The only person who can compare the Boulder to the DK and determine if it's better is you. Period. If a dealer won't let you borrow it (and for the price you'd be spending, he should), then bring your DK to the dealer's to do the comparison. To the extent there is a difference, you'll easily hear it on your speakers, but whether it's a 5%, 20% or 0% difference is entirely in your mind, no one else's.
Rcprince is right. With a piece that expensive, you should work through a dealer who will loan one to you. If you are planning on buying used, then you will have to pony up the $$, but you should not loose much if anything with a piece with the rep of Boulder if you decide its not for you.