DK Design Group vs. Boulder

Has anyone here compared DK amps with Boulder amps? I am currently using the Wilson Watt Puppy 7s with the DK VS-1 Signature with great results but I have been thinking of switching to the Boulder 1050 monoblocks and the 1010 Preamp. Will this be a meaningful upgrade worth the extra costs? Or should I leave well enough alone?
Yes, or at least I beleive so... as I controlled the volume to the Aesthetix via remote. I heard the system with just the DK as well as the Aesthetix just driving the amp section. With the Aesthetix driving the DK, it sounded much better. I don't recall the price of the Aesthetix preamp, however I am quite sure the preamp alone was almost twice the amount of the DK. The preamp was used for both cd and vinyl input...
Audiofankj, your memory is either very clouded or you have never heard the DK. First of all, the DK Mk. 2 is not $5K, it is $3K. The DK Signature is $5K.

Second of all, the Mk. 2 never had a feature that allows you to bypass the preamp section. So there is no way you could have heard it with the Aesthetix preamp.

Finally, don't forget that the Mk. 2 is long discontinued and has been replaced with the Mk. 3.
Perhaps it was a Mk 3. Who knows, they have a new model every other month... I will find out next time I am there. There was a preamp running just the amp section. Whether that is model 2, 3, 4, etc. I can't keep up or better yet just don't care to.
Oh- my memory slipped yet again Audioaril - I can't recall what you said the rest of your system was?
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