DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
The X Dream is a unique product that, given it's price, will interest less than 2% of the respondants on the page, if they fit within the normal demographics, so that may be worth some thought
Is this what you were referring to, Rbstehno? I missed the part about a 2 watt amp. I can't imagine someone dismissing a speaker because it won't mate up with a 2 watt amp. As you say, most don't.
unbelievable too...i thought that there was an intelligence limit before posting threads here and obviously the people eho think we are all just out to get DK should realize that it is not the product so much as the marketing tactics that we are calling attention to.
Um, most of my post above was meant to be a tongue-in-cheek, lighthearted poke at the reviewer and PF for having posted the X-Dream piece as a review when it would probably have been in the Features or Factory Tour section of other review publications. A lot of reviews I've read at least take place in the home or offices of a reviewer/publication, where they take the time to mate the component being reviewed with at least a couple of different pieces of associated equipment (like trying speakers with a couple different amps or preamps).

The reviewer didn't even bother to counterbalance his statement that the X-Dream's are the best he's ever heard and probably ever will, by restating the rather limited context of the review or stating, as many other reviewers do, something to the effect that his findings are based on "... this system, in this room". I think others have already clearly stated that the review appears to be more a piece of promotional literature than anything else.

Given that we don't even know the impedance, sensitivity, etc. of the speakers in question, can anyone be certain that 125 Watts would not be sufficent to drive the X-Dreams or are others, like me, just sharing some opinions and trying to learn and have some fun, as is the habit here in the 'Gon forums? Surely I'm not the only one to have ever questioned the motives or opnions of a reviewer when an article reads more like a marketing device than an un-biased, impartial review.

In addition, it appears that at least a couple of those posting in this thread have had a change of heart in their opinion of the matter, not that there's anything wrong with that, after the new owner of DK entered the fray. There'a a saying in French that my spouse likes to use from time to time, "seulement les fous ne changent pas d'idee", which roughly translates to "only people who are mad (as in mentally ill) never change their mind".

Although I haven't changed my mind since my first post (perhaps that makes me mad), I offer my apologies if I've offended anyone's sensibilities. :-)
I said I was bailing out, but I feel that it's worthwhile to explain to Boa2.
The 2% figure was purely financial.
Let's be real, not many people, even the audio enthusiasts on Audiogon are in a position to pay $25K for loudspeakers.
It had nothing to do with the speakers ability to work with 2 Watt Amps. Not many will...
The speakers are a benign load, and about 90 db1W1m. for general information.
So really, depending on taste, perhaps a small, though not 2 watt amp could work.
Larry R. Staples
President DK Design/LSA Group
but i really don't care either. as for people bashing a speaker system that might not work with a 2 watt amp, 99% of the speakers made would not work with a 2 watt amp, so what does that mean?

Larry, this was Rbstehno's comment, and I could not find a reference for it. Either I missed the bashing he was talking about, or I guessed that somehow it was misconstrued, beginning with your reference to 2% (NOT to 2 watts). Your comment was crystal clear on the first go-round.