Do all good interconnects sound the same?

Before you get angry with me this is not my personal point of view. I have noticed differences in each of my interconnects. But I came across an article by highly acclaimed audio designer Rodger Sanders of Sanders Sound Systems. Formally of Innersound Speakers. His new model 10c won the Golden Ear award for 2010. I've never heard his new system but I like the Innersound stuff I heard. Here is a comment from the white papers on cables cut from his website. What do you guys think?

"There is no doubt that speaker cables can exert a small influence on the sound of your audio system. But interestingly, all well-designed interconnects sound identical". Rodger Sanders

His IC's are fairly inexpensive made from Belden Cable of some form. Has anyone tried them and what did you think?
of coarse they will sound different. i went from ps audio copper, to dh labs silver. both well designed, both similar in price, two completely different sounding cables.
Actually I'm with you guys on this. I was doing research on buying some new IC's and I came across his white technical papers and found them to be an interesting read. I've spent more than a few dollars on wire.
He says he uses these IC's with his $13,000 speaker system and I was just really curious if anyone has heard them? His white papers are worth a look if nothing else.
My intent was not to start a debate. Just curious as I'm looking at trying some new IC's. I don't think his main goal is to sell interconnects. He seems to think they are mostly a waste of money. I found his view strange for someone in this industry.
There will always be an argument to be made about which interconnect sounds best, and in the end, it depends on the system that it is being used in. I don't think that there can be any argument that they all sound different. That is just a fact.
Do all good interconnects sound the same?

Of course not.Everyone knows you must spend at least $2500.00 on a set of ic's,anything cheaper will be a waste of time!!!!!!! :)