Do different speaker stands can really make a big sound improvement?

I am looking for stands for my new Harbeth P3ESR XD speakers and wonder how much improvement one can actually hear between close to a $1000 stands and a $100 one filled with sand?

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The list of frivolous stuff that audiophiles convince themselves as making a meaningful sonic difference seems endless.  I don't understand how a flimsy stand would improve the sound of a speaker with a flimsy cabinet (Stradivarius, yeah right).  Use a solid stand, play with the footers if anything, and let your speakers sound how they sound.  Of course, a real audiophile would suspend them from the ceiling using springs. smiley

As @akg_ca states, Harbeth’s are built with flexible speaker walls designed to resonate. It’s the whole idea…not to dampen things.

it makes the speakers rich and lively sounding. Not necessarily accurate but more like approximation of sounds of live music. Thus, a non-rigid stand is in keeping with the design approach.

Speaker stands make less difference than cables and those make ZERO difference. Do the math (your bank account is debited with no sonic benefit doesn't sound wise to me).

Think….of course ! The direction of your sound is travelling along the floor if that’s where you now have them. Makes sense to have it ear level at a minimum don’t you think ? And filling with sand great idea if you’re a weightlifter, depending on speakers makes absolutely no difference.