Do good power cords have to be stiff?

As far as I am concerned, stiff power cables are a pain in the butt. Wonder if anyone has found a great power cable that is very flexible?




How about listing your system (preferably with pics that are not "stock" photos)?



Kimber PK series are a good mix of flexible w decent gauge…..Ditto for the lower range Isotek.

The Shunyata power cords I use are very stiff, the Acrolink  power cord is very flexible.


May I ask which Acrolink. I have 7N-PC9700 and 8N-PC8100 and both are very stiff.

Based on my limited experience with different power cords, the stiff and heavy ones sound better than the flexible and light ones


I am using Furutech cables made by VH Audio with 12 gauge S-032N wire and they are fairly flexible also not total garden hoses. And they sound good.

I have made PCs with Oyaide Tunami V2 bulk cable that sound good but are quite stiff.

I have also made PCs from NOS Western Electric 10ga wire, both in 10ga and 7 ga configurations that sound good and are reasonably flexible too.  The NOS Western Electric 10ga wire is also used by TWL in their American 10 and 7 PCs, and was used by previously by Mojo Audio in their well-regarded PCs. The stuff makes nice speaker cables too.