Do i need AC conditioner w/dedicated AC lines?

I have completely, seperate 30 AMP AC runs for each of my mono block amplifiers, that go all the way to my circuit box.

No other "taps" are taken off of these lines so, would any type of line conditioner really benefit me?
Dedicated power lines are definatly a huge plus, but they do not eliminate the problems associated with your local power grid or offer any voltage stabilization/protection. You must also consider the benefits of isolating individual components from each other.

The Running Springs products can address and handle each of these problems. They offer voltage stabilization, filtration, isolation and component protection with non coloring - non current limiting properties.
Dedicated power lines are definitely a huge plus, but they do not eliminate the problems associated with your local power grid or offer any voltage stabilization/protection. You must also consider the benefits of isolating individual components from each other.

The Running Springs products can address and handle each of these problems. They offer voltage stabilization, filtration, isolation and component protection with non coloring - non current limiting properties.
Denf: You might want to read this thread about power cords. Someone comments on the Hydra and the thread progresses from there. Be forewarned though, "Hydra lovers" and those thinking about switching to balanced power should proceed at their own risk : ) Sean
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Tvad: I've been going over that in my head all this morning. At this point in time, i think i've come up with a relatively low mass and simple to use solution ( according to theory ) to the problems you've mentioned. It wouldn't be nearly as effective as the "killer" transformer type based systems that i use and recommend, but then again, not everyone can impliment nor needs such a system anyhow.

The problem is that i'm still contemplating what to do with this idea. I know that should i decide to start offering such a product, there are those that will jump up and down saying that this was my plan all along i.e. to string along the various forums, build up a reputation via visibility factor and then launch a product line. They somehow seem to forget that i've "given away" well over a half dozen years of help and constructive criticism for free in this and other audiophile forums.

As such, if my goal was to make money off of the audiophile market, i would have been foolish to wait so long to do it. The fact that i've made so many "friends" amongst various reviewers / audio publications that they've threatened to sue me also wouldn't be of much help if that was my original goal. That is, you don't criticize the critics if you want to remain on their good side and receive positive support for your products. If i was trying to pave the way for future audio business endeavors, i surely wasn't going down the right road in that regards.

As most of you know, i've been quite vocal in a negative fashion about specific reviews, reviewers and publications. At the same time though, i try to be fair and point out the good things that they have to offer, as those occassions arise. I'm quite certain that most of them only remember the sting of criticism though, not the pat on the back or "kudo's" that i've offered. There are reviewers that i trust and respect and most of them know who they are by now.

As to your response to my comments about the Hydra, i wasn't worried about that. I know you to be both secure in your own thoughts / decisions and open minded enough to consider alternative points of view for what they are. On the other hand, there are those that either curl up in a corner and cry or those that go off on a rampage when someone criticizes a product that they like and / or own. They feel as if someone has launched a personal attack against them when the other party is simply sharing their point of view / perspective on a product or installation.

I guess the differences in how well founded those vantage points are and how they are expressed is what comes into play here. I'm not good at beating around the bush, so i don't attempt to do so.

For the people that are sensitive to such things and since i was commenting on what appears to be a highly respected product, those were the folks that i was warning / worried about. The fact that the comments that i've made are easily supported by the visuals that i linked to might help them better understand why i said what i did. In the past when i've done similar things though, the visible links haven't made much of a difference. Look how much of a ruckus there was over my comments about various products reviewed in Stereophile, yet all of the facts / figures were there for all to see. There was a giant fall-out over each one of them and i'm still feeling the effects for saying / doing / explaining what i did at that time. Sean