Do I turn off my tubed components during burn-in?

I new to the world tubes and tube equipment. I just received me Dared SL-2000A pre-amp and my 300b SET monoblocks yesterday. Unfortunately I can't use the amps because because I'm saving to buy a pair of TJ Meshplates ($325). In the meanwhile, I did hook up the pre-amp last night to my Parasound HCA-1500A. Sounded pretty good last night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and believe it or not,,,,,,it sounds even better last night. My question is regarding burning in the tubes. Should I leave the pre-amp on all the time for a few days or is this a bad idea with tubed equipment?
What's the rush? I do not leave ANY of the electronic components on all the time. One hour is enough for any of the components to warm-up, and in time your gear will "brake-in," if there is a such a thing?! Take your time, enjoy the music and forget about ELECTRONICS!
Hello Meech. Just turning on your preamp is simply a waste of electricity if you want to run in your vacuum tubes. Your preamp uses small signal tubes that traditionally have a life expectancy of 3000-4000 hours[that is years of listening time]. If you want to run in the tubes ahead of time,you must have a modulated frequency present at the tube.Hook up a cd player and play a cd in "repeat mode" through the preamp.Traditionally,new tubes "settle in" and open up after around 20 hours or so. Not just vacuum tubes,most vacuum tube circuits will need some rum in time and usually sound much better after 100 or more hours on the transformers,capacitors etc.I believe your preamp uses the 12at7 for gain and will probably be supplied with chineese tubes[ mediocre at best]You may want to search out a NOS pair of Mullards,Amperex or Telefunken's to replace them with. All the best with your system. PS. I haven't turned my preamp off in 18 years!
To Ecclectic genius: WHICH (there is couple of dozen on your list) pre-amp you DIDN't turn off? All of them? Are they still on?