Do people really just not get it that their items are not selling...

simply because they are over priced? 
A lot of sellers on audiogon are trying to sell items for not much less than one can buy bnib from a good dealer. Its not worth buying used for a 5-10% savings. 
99% of the for sale add's are over priced. 75% are way way over much that you cant even or don't even what to start a negotiation. The others you try to start an honest fair negotiation with either never respond or get all pissed off.

I just recently sold an entire 7.2 home theater system...not the highest grade stuff but really good...Klipsch Ref7 speakers, dual subs, 7 large speakers, Da-Lite screen, 8 theater seats, video processor, middle atlantic racks, Oppo, Marantz processor and more. Sold it all in 3 weeks max. Priced it right to sell. Its gone out of my life, not in storage and I've moved on. It was very easy no drama sales.

I am currently looking to build a "Listening Room" in my new home. For fun I am buying all used gear if I can find what I like at a fair price. So far...ZILCH...I'd rather pay a few more dollars and get new. People think there stuff is worth it's weight in gold and some sentimental family heirloom! Its used electronics guys...geesh!

sounds like you can't afford the gear that you are lusting after because you can't afford it. When I was recently in the process of purchasing a new house the ones I really wanted were way above my budget so I wrote them all a letter and told them to lower their price so I could afford them. 
They just didn't  "get it" 
soundsrealaudio570 posts

You are so right, the CJ ART, Audio Research, Classe, Magnepan, Martin Logan, Magnum Dynalab, and other gear that I own  are an obvious sign that I cannot afford gear.

Re nonoise:  I love your speakers, and are fairly priced.  But still out of my range (literally), especially living in Alaska.  I believe that shipping from and to here is more than just small part of the issues of buying and selling that I deal with.  And with soliciting offers, there are some who will offer a small percentage of the asking price and some who are truly trying to negotiate.  I embrace negotiating, but few are willing.  But, I will continue to do the thing I love and enjoy: buy/trade/listen/sell.
