Both suggestions above may be correct, but that is impossible to know without telling us anything about your room , its layout, furnishings, etc. I use them (N802's)in my theater, and the spikes are perfect in that application. However, the sound anchor stands may be the fix for what ails them. Whatever you do, for God's sake, remove those stinkin' casters. They are there to help move the speaker easily, and that's it.
Do stands / spikes improve B&W 802N performance?
I have B&W Nautilus 802 Speakers. They are on the factory coasters. Do any stands / spikes exist? Do they improve performance? If so, who makes them and how can I purchase?
Krell FPB 200c Amp
Wadia 850 Digital
Cardas Golden Cross Interconnects / Speaker Cable
B&W Nautilus 802 Speakers
Krell FPB 200c Amp
Wadia 850 Digital
Cardas Golden Cross Interconnects / Speaker Cable
B&W Nautilus 802 Speakers
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