Folks, this is not faulty logic. It is no logic at all.
From: . This has absolutely nothing to do with whether 16//44.1 is enough or 24/96 is enough. It is like saying "blue" when I ask you what time it is.
However, since you want to selectively use this database to move forward an irrelevant argument, I can play along too. If you look at the peak dynamic range, which is the best indicator of the technical ability of the format, as opposed to the average dynamic range, which is more indicative of mastering choices, then virtually all the top peak dynamic range albums are download, or CD (or unknown). is DR? The DR algorithm, related to PLR (Peak–to–Loudness Ratio) or “crest factor,” specifically measures the dynamic density or lack of dynamics caused by overly aggressive dynamic compression and limiting. Although the companion DRMeter MkII provides a manual measurement of the "official" integrated DR or DRi, only DROffline and DROffline MkII can generate official values automatically and in the background.
geoffkait18,604 posts11-29-2019 3:27pm
>>>>Folks, that’s the kind of faulty logic that comes from reading technical books too much and not spending enough time in reality. The discussion of dynamic range and the dynamic range database has *everything* to do with the discussion of data rate, sampling rate and format. What the dynamic range database shows - if you analyze it - is you’re screwed no matter which digital format you buy into. He-loo! Unless you don’t care about dynamics. In which case you’re in the wrong hobby, gentle readers. 🧑🏻🚀