Do you guys like Adele's music?

Do you guys like Adele's music? 
When you say Adele's music, do you mean her voice, her songs, or the total package? My sister introduced me to her (I'm into primarily Americana/Roots/Rural music, ignoring the mainstream/radio stuff), and my immediate reaction was, well at least she has "real" songs, not electronically created bs. And that she is a real singer, unlike the majority today. Now get off my lawn. 
@tablejockey , I’d go further and say that her ’music’ should be banned from all public places, or at least the ones I might frequent. She even managed to wreck a great song like Skyfall, and to think it was a Dylan song that helped to launch her.

Her nauseous stomach turning ’singing’ is beyond gross. Of course I would never wish to stop any masochists from indulging in such painful gruel - as long as they kept such noise pollution away from me.

No amount of layering of strings etc can make that garbage vocal palateble as far as I’m concerned. I hope I’m not being too vague on the subject.