Do you run a high end power cord on your sub?

I have a Rel B2 sub in my system, and have never really bothered with a decent power cord for it. I have an "Iron Lung Jellyfish" power cord, which is better than a stock cord. It is a $30 cord but is actually suprisingly good when you are just "testing the waters" of what power cords can do. I am considering something better, but not sure if this is the best place to spend money? What are your experiences with upgraded power cords for subwoofers? I am thinking about an Audience Powerchord e, as I use Audience power cords on my other components.

Other components in my system:
Thor Audio TA-1000 mk II preamp
BAT VK-55SE amp
Hyperion HPS-938 speakers
PS Audio PWD mk 2
Audience AR6T power conditioner and power cords
Nordost Heimdall IC's
Anticables speaker cables
I agree with Valinar. I replaced the the stock Rel cable with a Nordost baseline made to Rel spec. The sub bass got a lot tighter and I heard attack and decay I never knew was there.
I purchased a Hidiamond P3 powercord for my svs Pb 13 ultra and I had to turn the gain down 4-5db. Cleaner, powerful, tighter articulate bass. Had a S.R T3SE on it and for less than half the price the HD P3 devoured the Synergistic research cord. Enough said.......I also run an Hidiamond XLR 2 on it and It is a considerable difference than the RCA to the pre...
If you have tried Synergistic's new Element series cables in your system then you ears will tell you, like mine, these are the best cables out today. I would like to recommend to try Synergistic Research Element Tungsten Power Cord on your Rel B2 Subwoofer. I have owned this subwoofer in the past and I have demo'ed HD P4 and Valhalla power cords through The Cable Company. And the Synergistic Research Element Tungsten Power Cord was the clear winner. Take a look at their website for the specs and links to many reputable websites with very positive reviews. The Cable Company has this cable on their used website for 30% off. An excellent deal and much cheaper over the other 2 PCs plus many others I've tried. You can return it if you don't like it. S.R. New element series blows away any HD power cord I tried. Including the P4. Then there is the Element CTS Rel Spec reference interconnect. This cable is THE best for the Rel and compliments the Element PC excellently. And so does the lower costing Element Tungsten Rel Spec interconnect. This is just my opinion, I just recommend trying the S.R. PC on loan from The Cable Company. I've been using Rel Subs for years and tried them all. But S.R. always sounds the best. Have Fun and trust your ears. Thanks.
Since you are dealing solely with the lowest frequencies, I suspect having a cord with sufficient gauge conductors is the biggest requirement for a sub.
I would try a Hidiamond P3 on your sub. It will perform better than any mentioned above for a very low price tag. I've had S.R and tossed it and never turned back. Especially for at least half to a third of the S.R cords. If you are running XLR try the XLR 2 - just amazing bass. Tight, articulate, accurate and deep. I had to turn my output on sub down 4-5db. If you really want to go to the end try the Hidiamond P4- rave reviews - those who've bought always keep.

You can read in my HD threads and others with the rave reviews of actual buyers of the Hidiamond cables - not people who just say they've tried them and haven't bought one single HD cord from the dealers( you know who you are).