Does any one know a cable that is able to compete with clear day double shotgun?

I have a pair of clear day double shotgun and curious to know how its level is in the current market. If you have tried clear day’s double shotgun and some other speaker cables, please share your experience. Thank you in advance.
I have tried CTGE and silver Litz braided one from Westbury Audio on eBay.

CTGE is quite warm with great details, especially quite a rich vocal body. Plus Bob is a great gentleman to communicate with.
Westbury Audio has all the characters of a silver cable, wide sound stage, much focused image and leaned toward listener. John is a very warm person who answered dozens of my questions nicely. The price to performance is definitely a bargain.

My conclusion is I would prefer a little bright but not too bright which means a middle one between these two.
I appreciate all your advices.
I have 2 Clear Day Double Shotguns, one new and the other with a little usage. 8’ long. I’m thinking of putting them for sale here. Posting on this forum as it looks like some may be interested in these
I just ordered my second pair from John as I'm so impressed with the first. The second pair will go in my living room TV system.

It looks like cabledyne might have closed? The synergy disappeared due to lack of available cable and now the website is down and has been for a few days.

Fritz, how much do you want for the clear day cables and would you ship to UK?
I would thoroughly recommend LessLoss cables (interconnects and power cables)

Their C-MARC range has some perfectly sensible science behind it (as per humbucker coils for the guitarists amongst you), explained in depth on the website and my experience has been that they made a spectacular difference, presumably by cancelling/rejecting RFI/EMI

I am slowly working my way to a full loom

For example I have an industrial balanced mains transformer that used to hum whenever the missus used her hair straighteners upstairs. Once I added a LessLoss mains cable, the hum totally vanished

They're not super cheap, but neither are they crazy expensive (give or take $800 for a pair of ICs)
Not sure everyone has heard the news but Paul, the owner of Clear Day Cables, recently passed away and at the far too young age of 60.  The absolutely nicest guy who has been suffering an illness for years.  The love & support for him on Audiogon is incredible.  His Facebook page admin posted the notice,

Following up on a previous posting:
I have 2 Clear Day Double Shotguns, 8' and 1 is Spade & 1 is Banana.  1 is new & still in Paul's traditional pink plastic bag and the other is very lightly used. A handful of people on this site have reached to ask if I will sell them. I'm not sure yet.  I've just started talking to House of Stereo in Jacksonville about replacing my Rotel gear (RAP AVR 1580 & RB1890 power amp) and with something they have had a great experience with the Kef Reference 1.  Depending on what I get, we may try the CDDS on the system and make a keep or sell decision.  Will get back to those that have reached out.