Hello All, I was long hoping to try out the Rowland Daemon Superintegrated amp. Finally, last Thursday, a long awaited Daemon Superintegrated was delivered. Started break-in the following day, and have been scribbling listening notes since… The writing project will continue for at least a few months, until the integrated has stabilized, and I have exercised several of Daemon’s many input and output options. I have been waiting for a long time for this 99Lbs single box critter. It is Jeff Rowland’s integrated flagship. The DAC + Preamp + 1500W/8 (2500W/4) power amp in a single chassis is incredibly powerful and already sounding amazing after just 100 hours of break-in.
I am learning a lot about this critter, and I see that severl friends here have asked excellent questions. So, y not join me to chat about Daemon around its own new Audiogon watering-hole, where I am narrating my experience it. I'll try to answer all your questions there:
Of course, feel free to PM me if you like to talk in person about it.
Saluti, Guido