Does Anyone Else Member the Golden Age of Audio Insults and Product Degradation?

My time in audio (and, video) goes way back.  How far back?  Does selling console stereos with ceramic cartridges mounted on record changers go back far enough?  Things were very competitive back then.  And, energetic and creative peddlers of consumer electronics didn't hold anything back.

Here's some examples from my memory.  Maybe you can add some of your own?

Maggotbox:  Magnavox

RCA Victim:  RCA Victor

Kindlingwood:  Kenwood

Soundshitty:  Sansui

Altec Lansing "Voice of the Outhouse":  "Voice of the Theater"

Karmon Hardon:  Harmon Kardon

And, who can forget?:  "No highs.  No lows.  It must be Bose."

Or:  "You can knock a Yamaha.  But, you can't Nakamichi."



Muzac for the Alexis in every pot...Siri sings the hits whether you want it to or not....

"Siri, shut up."

I’m sorry, I can’t do that...

"You’ve played the same thing for over 35 hours.... You can’t get bored, but we do...

Exactly...*weird cackling laughter*

I recall going to Radio Shack and Lafayette Electronics as a kid for electronics parts. They were competitors that used to call each other “Laff-a-lot” and “Radio Shaft”, respectively.


@secretguy Wow!  Sounds like you've got a nice piece of racing memorabilia there.  Congrats!!  I just hauled 3 boxes of LPs from my big brother's basement.  I'm pretty sure that album is in there somewhere.