Does anyone like country

I am just curious as to whether anyone likes country music? I do like some country songs (especially those that lean more towards pop).
No one has mentioned Junior Brown. Not that well known, and he does rip off into rock during his classically country songs, but he is a great guitarist and he writes some really good old country stuff. Check out his CD "Guit With It", containing such tear jerkers as "Highway Patrol" and my personal favorite, "My Wife Thinks Your Dead".
I will second the excellent Junior Brown,Iris Dement is another artist I like. Probably a few more but as I do not listen much to country artists' names and bands elude me as I type.

Heck Ya....I love country! (but then.... I love jazz, rock, newage, classical, name it).

I think I even heard a rap song I liked once....(-:
