Use spikes for the speakers. Make sure they rest on a hard surface.
No, carpets are fine, the total room balance matters.
^Agree.^ We have no info the speakers, and we have no info on the rest of the room. However if the speakers are spraying a lot of sound towards the floor, then it is possible. I am sure a measurement would help. |
I've had close to the same system in 2 different rooms. One with hardwood floors and plaster walls and the other with wall to wall carpeting and drywall. Both rooms can be set up to sound very good. Hardwood floor room had a more live show feel to it. Kind of like a bar/venue. Where the carpeted room let's you hear a lot more details and subtle nuances in the recording. Hardwood floor gives a lot of songs that live room feel where as carpet and drywall let's you hear more of where the music was actually recorded. I tend to like more absorptive rooms over live. I just get so much more emotion from the recording. But I totally get liking one over the other. No wrong answer here. Enjoy what YOU like! |