Does your pet listen to your system?

Not sure if this has ever been a thread for discussion.
We have a pet cat.  Her name is Mina.
She sits in the sweet spot, on the floor, when my system is running, playing music.
I swear she likes to listen to music! 
No, she doesn't tap her paw on the ground or anything like that, but to me it looks like she enjoys the music!
Anyone else out there have a pet that listens to music with them?
No official study, just curious.......
Our cat find my system a rather shocking experience. He is not about to go anywhere near it. If you look at the picture of my speakers you will notice plastic mats wall to wall in front of the speakers. These hold a charge and give the animal a mild zap if it steps on them. Much better than the zap he would get behind those speakers = fried cat. But look at those speakers. Must be scratching post heaven.
When I put on piano mello music my two cats drop on the bed and crash. They leave the room with progressive rock. No fooling. 
We had a Sheltie who was named after Mozart.  Wolfie developed a deep appreciation for Schubert.  While listening to Schubert's late quartets with me, he would occasionally throw his head back and belt out a sympathetic long, heartfelt howl.  On occasion he would show a modicum of approval for Bach.  Seemed not to like Beethoven much.   Alas, my little buddy is no longer with us.  My Aussie Mozzie, who was indirectly named after Mozart, shows no interest at all in music.

Had a cat once who would hop up on top of a speaker.  Her ears would go back and forth with the music as if she was conducting.  Very amusing.
Great question. I was wondering this too. My cat loves to sleep on top of my speakers while I am playing music. The volume level does not bother him. He has been around music since he was a kitten.  He does pick up on music when he is not sleeping, but it is only certain high frequencies which he will turn his head or move his ears.