Doug Schroeder Method, Double ic

I think this topic deserves its own thread , where use double ic through y adapters , from source to preamp, Can’t connect it from Preamp to Amp...For me the result is huge, I can’t go back to single ic....
Full public disclosure more than a year ago means no patent potential though it could be tough to create a defensible patent for parallel wires.
I am relying upon the opinion of the IP Attorney i am partnering with for the patent.  :)

I have not seen anyone in the audio industry or community warn of capacitance issues at even 1m lengths,  even with a pair of Schroeder Method sets in a system. I have used two pair of 2m Schroeder Method ICs in systems on a regular basis, both XLR and RCA.

Imo, longer ICs and shorter Y cables would be better.  But, only direct comparison would tell. If Blue Jeans won't make shorter Y cables, get 2 foot ICs from Blue Jeans, and y cables from Audio Sensibility - unless you must have L/R leads so long.

Disclaimer: I have reviewed Audio Sensibility Y Cables for 
Well then I hope you IP attorney is providing you good advice and/or you are being completely un front with him/her.   From what I have read you have provided full and public disclosure for your idea. It is readily evident and documented in these forums. It is "enabling", i.e. you have provided more than sufficient information for someone to replicate what you did.

In most of the world, there is no grace period. If you publicly disclose your idea, that is it, it is prior art (even if your own), and you can't get a patent. In the U.S., there is a 1 year grace period.

Many cables are already multiple parallel cables, so again, difficult to create a defensible patent around the concept. It is your money, which I am sure the patent attorney is quite happy to take. Patent attorneys write patents. You pay extra for patent searches.
audio2design, thank you for your contribution/concern in the matter. I believe that everything you have brought up has already been addressed. 
I bought a Marantz sacd  sa 10 player , I felt that it’s fleshing out a lot of music more than an ic can accommodate, I have feeling the double will be a good option, I will need a balance configurations, Iam not sure if that’s posible .Right now I have the 4 ft rca double ic , I will try to connect it see what will happen . Doug any input here?