I am not sure using the term 'customers' is the right word to describe people getting an artist/s' track/s illegally for free when one can pay a paltry 99c and legally own a copy.
I have yet to see any music store giving their cd's away for free. I am surprised the jurors did not throw the kitchen sink as well as the book at her and fined her $150,000 per song like they could have. I mean why stop at $80,000?? It is a bit silly and pointless in imposing an amount probably unobtainable and unpayable unless a huge lottery win happens to go her way.
I have yet to see any music store giving their cd's away for free. I am surprised the jurors did not throw the kitchen sink as well as the book at her and fined her $150,000 per song like they could have. I mean why stop at $80,000?? It is a bit silly and pointless in imposing an amount probably unobtainable and unpayable unless a huge lottery win happens to go her way.