Gentlemen , thank you for your insight, I think I’m getting closer to figuring this all out!!
To marktomaras-
my music source is pretty much all on my iPhone, older purchased albums on iTunes and for the past year or two, albums from Apple Music that are downloaded ( I guess for as long as I keep paying for the monthly). My stereamer is a Pioneer Elite n-30 and is mainly for ambient and smooth jazz playing for everyday listening.
ive been thinking about tidal but haven’t researched it too deeply because I was trying to accomplish hi-res with my iTunes then pipe it through the Wadia transport directly into the hifi dac in my amp, but iOS stinks.
To dbtom and everyone still interested in my hifi issues... I can download or steam hi Rez albums from tidal, better than cd quality, and run through the Onkyo or tidal app, then bypass the junk dac on the phone, into the hifi dac on my amp?!!! Or would it only be cd quality( not hi res)?
and while you are all still reading my babble... is there a sound quality improvement to downloading an album on my iPhone from tidal vs streaming an album from tidal?
(If if I can download ship of fools in hi res on my phone, and play it through my gear, then things are going to get pretty bitchin!)