Gee whiz, this thread went to Omni-land in a hurry. You could be very happy with some very good medium to large monitors and a good sub, like a REL as suggested above.
My suggestions include:
Triangle Titus
PSB Synchrony 2 B
Vienna Acoustic Haydn
Harbeth HL-P3ES2
Spener SA-1
Usher Be-718 (used)
Dynaudio 140 Focus
Totem Model 1 Signature.
Given your space constraints, you might consider wood platform on the floor with larger monitor speakers angled up at you (see here for examples: I have large bookshelf speakers set up in this configuration and find it works well with strong bass reinforcement near the floor.
Recommended subs:
Definitive Technology SuperCube 1
Aperion Audio Bravus 10D
If you add a sub, you should get a sound pressure meter so you can integrate effectively with your speakers.
Or, short floor-standers instead of monitors with the same subs:
PSB Imagine T
Epos M16i
Quad 22L2
AV123 X-Static (unique)
Totem Forest (used)
Avalon Acoustic NP 2.0 Evolution
The Ohm Omni's are certainly one solution, and if you like their unique delivery, then go for it. I have found all the speakers listed above to provide above average enjoyment, and there are plenty of professional reviews for most as well.
Speakers of this quality will make you pine for a good source and quality amplification. That is for another thread.
My suggestions include:
Triangle Titus
PSB Synchrony 2 B
Vienna Acoustic Haydn
Harbeth HL-P3ES2
Spener SA-1
Usher Be-718 (used)
Dynaudio 140 Focus
Totem Model 1 Signature.
Given your space constraints, you might consider wood platform on the floor with larger monitor speakers angled up at you (see here for examples: I have large bookshelf speakers set up in this configuration and find it works well with strong bass reinforcement near the floor.
Recommended subs:
Definitive Technology SuperCube 1
Aperion Audio Bravus 10D
If you add a sub, you should get a sound pressure meter so you can integrate effectively with your speakers.
Or, short floor-standers instead of monitors with the same subs:
PSB Imagine T
Epos M16i
Quad 22L2
AV123 X-Static (unique)
Totem Forest (used)
Avalon Acoustic NP 2.0 Evolution
The Ohm Omni's are certainly one solution, and if you like their unique delivery, then go for it. I have found all the speakers listed above to provide above average enjoyment, and there are plenty of professional reviews for most as well.
Speakers of this quality will make you pine for a good source and quality amplification. That is for another thread.