drive by truckers

I know this band has been around for a while but I just discovered them and really like there sound. Anyone else like them?
there wasn,t an opportunity for me since it wasn,t previewed in st louis. i have it ordered on dvd. if you go please write a review.
Started seeing the Truckers right when Shonna joined the band and have since become one of my favorites. I have also seen most of the bands listed above with the exception of slobberbone. Lucero and CCRW have there merits, they just don't rock enough for me. What got me into the Truckers was three guitar players, three songwriters, and three singers, along with their high energy on stage. I agree that they do not translate to the big stage, but they are getting closer.
Fist in the air rock-n-roll...everytime.

Brings me to the movie, "Secret to a happy ending", which I saw this week. Not saying it is a must see for fans, but thought it was done pretty well. Think that there is even something in there for the occasional listener. It gave some insight on how they got started and how tough the road was. All of the footage and most of the movie focused around the time period when Isbell and Shonna where in the band together and its demise. It is not sugar coated, which I thought was the films greatest attribute. My only complaint was they did not include John Neff. He only spoke once in the entire movie and never mentioned his contributions or his opinions. Worth a watch anyway and fans will not be disappointed. My 2 cents for what its worth.
mike,i wish shonna and cooley would put out solo cds. thanks for the review. have you listened to jason isbell's solo cds?