DSD coming to Qobuz streaming?

It looks like DSD files will soon stream on Qobuz - this may take some of the wind out of the sails of HDTracks and MQA. Some DSD recordings are already available for download, such as this classic from Boston.

I checked with Qobuz directly and was told there will be "an official announcement soon."

Ag insider logo xs@2xcleeds


I have now received new information from Qobuz. This is the message, in full:

Everyone, this may be a mistake by us. I’ll let you know when I know.
David Solomon
I’m sorry if I’ve contributed to the Internet’s flow of possibly bad information. It’s something I really try to avoid.

Wonder if DSD will involve a new subscription tier above the current top tier? I'll give it a go regardless, although I imagine the DSD catalogue may be modest to begin with

In any event the DSD library at one time was mentioned would be in the 100k+  region of classic music of all types ,I was have been patiently waiting for something 

I now seriously doubt will ever happen if you got even 500 ,mainly orchestral 

is just more hype,   Sort of like MQA the New game changer now 

just a different style lightbulb that failed to live up to its own hype !!

MQA is dead on Tidal. This was announced a few days ago. FLAC is pretty sweet and will fully displace it anyway. DSD is definitely nice, but have to have a DAC that supports it.