Duelund DCA16GA

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone have try this cable? I have never try the original WE cable but I want to buy this cable for my speaker. Other candidate is supra cable.

Can someone give some feedback?

I brought the Duelund 16ga stranded tinned wire, actually I was in Need of Western electric cable we16g and where I live I couldn't source it and as alternative I got the Duelund 16ga and in My rig it is sounding amazing.
The previous cables I have used are 2 to 3 times expensive and Duelund 16ga provides better imaging, good extension on both end of frequency and in simple words 'better sounding' and I believe in system matching and Duelund 16ga fits perfectly.
"Bottom line is I now prefer the Duelund 16ga driving my speakers mids and highs" Hi Grannyring: so what cable are you using for the bottom? Asumming you are bi-wiring
Remember Jack prefers the Dueland wire in his system , Glory says Jack made a mistake, High fidelity cables on the right system they are hard to beat. They are amazing cables.
I'm intrigued by those of you who have used either the WE and Dueland cable.

For those of us who are soldering-disabled what (or which company) do you recommend for creating IC's at a reasonable price?

What are people doing for AES cables?

Thanks to everyone for all the great information.

Please excuse my ignorance - I'm just learning about Dueland.  For a regular speaker connection (single wired, around 14 ft) what is the process?  Am I correct in understanding these wires need to be constructed and 2 wires joined together?  I've noted that bare wire connections are preferred over bananas etc.  thanks for your advice.