DVD-Audio media, thoughts? worth the cost of the media?

So I know that DVD-A is basically a "dead" media already but I am still interested in giving it a shot possibly.
Started looking at various titles and it seems that anything half decent is at least $50 and up to $200!
Anybody here has first hand experience with this media? Used it, abused it etc.
Would prefer to hear from people who have given it a try or are using DVD-A before I shell out some serious coin!
For example am I likely to hear a significant difference between a DVD-A and a SACD?
I think my system is revealing enough to tell ( I HOPE!)
Thank you in advance
As of yet I have found zero dvd-a discs I would like to buy at what I would deem a fair price.
However I did pick up a couple of bluray audio discs reasonable and not sure how these compare but I was fairly impressed in the SQ.
The difference is "there" and DVD-A sounded soo much more natural to a Naim-head like me vs SACD. Within those few weeks when I had Linn Akurate in my system. But. But. Hitting my Golden Age of mid-fifties I gravitate towards Bruckner and away from Beach Boys (and Pink Floyd) and The Question devolves to the software released. And in so-called "classical music" it is SACDs...  So, my consern  is about the best SACD spinner. Which one?  I love my Wadia but it is so inferior to Naim CDS3 on CDs that probably I will never know. To my ears LP12 beats any digital, but the pain of flipping LPs is real!!!!
I like dvd-audio quite a bit.   The LP12 -- try a direct drive rebuild and see if you still like it as much.
I had forgotten I had started this thread a few years back...lol.
But as it has resurfaced time for an update.

For whatever reason there appeared a ton of DVD-A titles at fair prices so I bought quite a few.
Mostly Steven Wilson remastered King Crimson and Porcupine Tree stuff.
Which is exactly what I was hoping for all along.

Played back through my Esoteric DV-50 they certainly sound excellent and well worth the $17 to $23 I paid for each one.
Most have lots of bonus tracks and different mixes included too.