"Millercarbon had a good effort at answering the question, thanks MC."
Does anyone still remember the question?
Dynamic range - effect on different speaker cables - even very high quality ones
"Cables may get over saturated with sound". The only thing I can think off is that the current can be too high for the given AWG and the dielectric is getting overcharged and starts compressing. Is the cable getting warm? The cable dielectric can have an effect on the dynamic presentation/contrast you describe. Air/Cotton dielectrics sound more open and dynamic for example. Reduced microphonics can also be a starting point for investigation, or triboelectric noise. Siltech is known for high quality insulation.
Enhanced dynamic range of components leading to over saturating the cable sounds like a strange explanation from your dealer. I think you should forward your question to Siltech and Tara Labs for a real explanation |
Now here is some REAL reading, which is written without violating the rules of physics. Audiofools.... sorry audiophiles, please read: https://sound-au.com/cables.htm |