Dynaudio Contour S5.4 & S3.4 Owners?

Any problems getting used to the tweeter below the bass drivers? Unusual configuration, very few speakers set up this way. Just wondering. Thanks!
I have a pair of s3.4's. The tweeter position is only unusual....looking. There was nothing to get used due to the configuration...ie the highs don't stand out or seem like they radiate from the midpoint, but present with a very cohesive manner to the double mid/bass drivers.
Go for it.
I have the 3.4's and do not detect the location of the tweeter just marvelous sound. They are so good they will be the last speakers I own.
So in your opinions it's more of a visual thing than a sonic one. I wonder why Dynaudio decided to configure the drivers in such a way. Do you think this placement might have less room effect than having the bass drivers closer to the floor? Maybe less bass bloat without the floor reinforcement? To me, visually, the speakers are up side down. But if they sound great who cares?