Efficient full range floorstanders to match SET

Some more advice please, I am looking for a "last speaker", to match my "last amp" and yes I know everyone says this is my last purchase. This time I mean it, I think.. My problem, I have settled on 2 lowish power integrated amps, a Viva Solista 845 SET integrated that puts out 18 watts and a Lavardin integated at 50 watts, for warm weather duties. Neither are flea powered, but I can forget most of the offerings from mainstream speaker manufacturers, B and W etc. I recognise you also loose out on the deep base and full range dynamic sound of low efficiency speakers and powerfull SS power amps. I happen to like what you get from low power and efficient speakers. I have been using Living Voice Avatars for years and they are excellent, if a tad polite and laid back. I am looking for something more dynamic, perhaps with a wider, deeper soundstage.
My room is 20ft by 20ft, but certainly cluttered. I enjoy many types of music, Singer songwriters, Jazz, Classical and opera. The real challenge for my chosen path seems large scale classical and opera. We all know how magical SET's and 100db horns can be with the female voice or a jazz combo, but sorting out a complex symphonic piece, not so easy. So I need a compact floorstander, preferably that can be used near wall, that can produce a realistic opera chorus with 18 watts, a tall order? The 18 Watts mean I don't have to go for Avantagarde or Beauhorn at 103 dbs, 92 to 97 will do.
There is some information around, in fact an excellent series on SET amps on the 6moon site, but there are so many choices of matching speakers, often from small cottage industry manufacturers. I rather fancy horns, though my size requirements would mean compression horns or hybrids.
My thoughts included Zingali, the new High Efficiency line from Tyler, Reimer, Triangle, Devore, Cain and Cain, but there are so many others. Budget, up to $5000, preferably second hand, any thoughts? thanks
check out my add for fostex fe206esr horns 98db, better driver and cabs the cain uses.I inc shipping and my new price is lower than the others used prices.
I own Zingali floorstanders, purchased for use w/Cary 300B monos. The combo works very nicely (and looks great). Note that as SPL increases, things get a bit messy and discontinuity between the woofers and horns becomes evident.

Oddly enough, the combo that has really worked well for me is the Cary monos with the Merlin VSM SE. Again, max SPL is limited, but this one is terrific right up 'til it runs out of gas. The Zingalis will go louder and deeper, but the Melins produce real magic - pun intended.

Of course, the VSM (now MX?) will cost significantly more $, unless you move up the Zingali line to models featuring compression drivers. That comparison would feature a more level playing field, but I've not had the chance to experience it.
It might pay to consider some of the ESS speakers.I have an old pair of PS5Cs which are one of the few speakers that do really good bass with a 23 watt tube amp.If you like ribbon sound you should check out their latest offerings-and you can buy direct and avoid retail mark ups.
I have been down the full range driver/back loaded horn road and cannot really recommend it.These all need subwoofers but the worst aspect of them is that they sound very cold and coloured.Good speakers should emote and apart from Goodmans Axiom 80s these don't.
The other option is to biamp any good mainstream 3 ways-using your SET on the mids and tweeters and SS or digital on the woofers.This is best done in speakers that have midrange drivers working down to 250-300 hz.If your preamp does not have two pre outs you can use 1 into 2 RCA adaptor plugs.Output levels can be adjusted using either gain controls on your amps or attenuators on your speakers.Biamping may add complexity but it also widens your choices of speakers immensely.