Electrical question re dedicated line

In my home situation(new house) the electrician who came by to install a dedicated line said it would be too difficult and very expensive. Another electrician said that I could have a dedicated line but it would be external and would travel accross the outside of my walls(insulated of course) and would have a little box for the receptacle outside of the wall on the wall. My question is that the fact that my system is on a circuit with it's own breaker, is that kind of like a dedicated line? The breaker my system is on has 4 seperate receptacles on it in my room but only my power regenerator(PS P500) is conected to one of those receptacles.In other words, all that is on the circuit that goes to the 4 receptacles in my listening room is my P500. The other receptacles are not in use. Is that kind of like a dedicated line? Would there be much advantage to doing what one electrician said was possible and have an externaly run dedicated line?
My system is :
Pass X250 amp
Pass X1 preamp
Talk Electronics Thunder3.1b CDP
Hales Transcenence 5's speakers
PS Audio P500 power plant
Shunyata Aries and Lyra interconnects and speaker cable
Prototype power cords which were not given a name but are good as I've compared them against Shunyata King Cobra V2 and Synergistic Designers Reference and much prefered the cords I have.
Any help would be valued. Thanks
Mitch.I think that it involves running a main line upstream of your breaker panel.I didn't do this but changed the breakers and lines to the uppermost location and cleaned and pro-gold the tabs on the breaker.Don't know if it did much.May be a little.
What did make a difference was driving in a separate ground rod and then from the PS Audio power port plug I ran a separate ground wire from the dedicated ground lug on the plug to the new ground rod.
Result ......no noise ! I always thought that a dedicated outlet and all and a PS Audio 300 would have cleaned things up but with that isolated ground I often look at the equipment between tracks to make it is on cause it is
so quiet.
Hope this helps.
Run a dual phase line. run 1 phase to the amp/amps. The other phase to frontend preamp,source ect. For better measure I run a seprate ground to a 8ft ground rod to the green terminal on the outlets.I make sure that only 1 componant is grounded to the 8ft. the rest of the componants will get there ground from the system. I also use hospital death grip outlets. Keep the amps on one phase even if you need to bring in several single phase lines.
Newbee, I'm running my amp through the ultimate outlet section of the P500(non current limiting) and the rest of my gear, preamp and CDP to regenerated power.The amp sounds better through the ultimate outlet section than straight from the wall.

Muralman, There is no crawl space under my house which is why I'd have to run the line externally.

Peterd, No electrician in Vancouver Canada(that I can find) will install a ground rod. Something to do with ground potential and the possibility of a dangerous situation. I think it's just not to code here in Canada.

Hiend2, What's a dual phase line?

Thanks for all your advice,
If you have 2 dedicated lines. Aren't you supposed to have them in the same phase ??
To have your gears in 2 lines in opposite phase is highly not recommended. I did this for a long time without realising it. After I corrected it, the sound is much better.
In N. America, the incoming 220 volts are split into (2) 110 volt legs in you main panel box and they are in opposite phase. Each of these legs also has other appliances (breakers) on them which add noise to the leg. If one of your circuts that feed your equipment is hooked up to one leg and the other equipment circut is hooked up to the other leg, then you are picking up the noise on both legs and raising your noise floor. If you hook up both circuits to the same leg in the panel box, you are only getting half the noise, because you are only picking up the noise on that LEG as opposed to picking up the noise from both legs.
In addition, you can avoid any noisey appliance breakers ( Like A/C, washing machine, fridge and furnace breakers) to the other leg that your equipment is not on, further reducing the noise on the leg that you are using for your equipment.